2023 04 15 Shooting Academy Open 2023
Handgun & PCC
Organisation | VšĮ Vilniaus šaudykla |
Range | Vilnius Shooting Range |
Stages | 12 |
Rounds | 230 |
Divisions | Hndgun & Pistol Caliber Carbine |
Categories | All, depending to number of competitors |
Squading | Squads 1, 2(PCC) and 3 – 6(HG) shoot before lunch Squads 7, 8(PCC) and 9 – 12(HG) shoot after lunch |
Starting fee | EUR 90.-; Juniors: EUR 45.-; After deadline, on the spot : EUR 100.-; Teams: EUR 15.-; Arbitration: EUR 100.- |
Account for starting fee | Transfer in EUR: AB Seb bankas IBAN: LT637044060005668323 SWIFT kodas (BIC) CBVILT2X Recipient: UAB Hidrovista The purpose of payment: 2023-04-15 Shooting Academy Open, Name Surname (the participant) |
Registration start | Already working |
Registration deadline | Deadline for payment is 2023 04 12, after this date registration for those who haven’t paid will be deleted. |
Registration | practiscore.com |
Match Director Range Master |
Vitalijus Stavcevas Linas Karosas |
Further information | info@suvioakademija.lt Mobile: +370 659 49399(ro, lt, rus, pl)(WhatsApp) linas@ipsc.lt Mobile: +370 686 90608(lt, eng) |
Remarks | Every equipment damaging shot gives a EUR 20.- fine. |
Photo and Video: Šūvio Akademija reserves the right to use film and photographs on the club website and for documentation of the competition for distribution to participants. Each shooter authorizes the use of his/her film and photo material by participating in the competition.