+370 695 56933 info@suvioakademija.lt

20180714 Rifle III

Šūvio Akademija Rifle III (2018)

IPSC Level I


Organisation VšĮ Vilniaus šaudykla
Range Vilnius Shooting Range
Schedule 2018-07-14 Prematch: For Organizers, Sponsors and Range Officers ONLY
Registration 10:00 Start 11:00

2018-07-15 Main Match
Registration 9:00 Start 10:00

Stages 8
Rounds 130
Divisions Open Semi-Auto, Standard Semi-Auto
Categories All, depending to number of competitors
Squading Squading is available after accepting the payment
Starting fee Regular: EUR 40.-; Juniors: EUR 20.-;
After deadline, on the spot or prematch: EUR 60.-;
Arbitration: EUR 40.-
Account for  starting  fee Transfer in EUR:
AB “Swedbank”
IBAN: LT117300010151145743
Recipient: Vilniaus saudykla
Application  deadline 2018-07-07
Registration Registration will open on 2018.04.15 within MOS
Match  Director
Range  Master
Stats  Office
Laurius Veličko
Linas Karosas
Karolis Simutis
Further information info@suvioakademija.lt
Mobile: +370 686 90608(lt, eng)
Mobile: +370 600 25036(lt, rus, pol, cez, slk)
Remarks Use of armor piercing and steel core ammunition is strictly   forbidden.
Every equipment damaging shot gives a EUR 20.- fine.

Photo and Video: Šūvio Akademija reserves the right to use film and photographs on the club website and for documentation of the competition for distribution to participants. Each shooter authorizes the use of his/her film and photo material by participating in the competition.

2018-07-14 Prematch

11.00 11.45 12.30 13.15 14.00 14.45 15.30 16.15
 5 Squod 1 stg 2 stg 3 stg 4 stg 5 stg 6 stg 7 stg 8 stg
 6 Squod 4 stg 5 stg 6 stg 7 stg 8 stg 1 stg 2 stg 3 stg


2018-07-15 Mainmach

10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00
 1 Squod 1 stg 2 stg 3 stg 4 stg 5 stg 6 stg 7 stg 8 stg
 2 Squod 4 stg 5 stg 6 stg 7 stg 8 stg 1 stg 2 stg 3 stg
 3 Squod 5 stg 6 stg 7 stg 8 stg 1 stg 2 stg 3 stg 4 stg
 4 Squod 8 stg 1 stg 2 stg 3 stg 4 stg 5 stg 6 stg 7 stg


Overall by stages